Jabberwocky: meditation on growing up, conforming and assuming adult responsibilities
Jan Svankmajer, “Jabberwocky / Zvahlav aneb Saticky Slameneho Huberta” (1971) Inspired by the Lewis Carroll
Jan Svankmajer, “Jabberwocky / Zvahlav aneb Saticky Slameneho Huberta” (1971) Inspired by the Lewis Carroll
Jan Svankmajer, “Dimensions in Dialogue / Moznosti Dialogu” (1982) Hilarious three-part stop-motion animated film that
Jan Svankmajer, “A Quiet Week in the House / Tichy tyden v dome” (1969) A strange
Jindrich Polak, “Tomorrow I’ll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea / Zitra vstanu a
Jan Svankmajer, “The Fall of the House of Usher” (1981), “The Pit, the Pendulum and
Eastern European Films | French and French-language Films
René Laloux, “Fantastic Planet” / “La Planète Sauvage” (1973) A very absorbing animated science fiction
Jindrích Polák, “Ikarie XB-1” (1963) A compelling early 1960’s science fiction gem from the old