Metal from the Dirt: a short surface survey of Navajo extreme metal
Clarke Tolton, “Metal from the Dirt” (2018) Unfortunately like other documentaries I have seen on
Clarke Tolton, “Metal from the Dirt” (2018) Unfortunately like other documentaries I have seen on
Rhys Thomas, “The Great Pretender” (2012) The public fascination with the shy Parsi Indian boy
German and German-language Films
Sarah Vianney, “Botswana’s Heavy Metal Queens” (2018) Despite the title, the heavy metal queens of
Australian and New Zealand Films
Kelrick Martin, “Prison Songs” (2015) Billed as Australia’s first musical documentary, and probably the first
Christian Davies, “David Bowie Under Review 1976 – 1979: The Berlin Trilogy” (2006) David Bowie’s
Martin Scorsese, “George Harrison: Living in the Material World (Part 2)” (2011) I had expected
Martin Scorsese, “George Harrison: Living in the Material World (Part 1)” (2011) A really very
J Robinson (Noisey / VICE) “One Man Metal” (2012) An interesting if bare-bones three-part documentary,
Ivar Berglin and Peter Beste, “True Norwegian Black Metal” (Vice, 2007) Despite the title, this
Jeff Krulik and John Heyn, “Heavy Metal Parking Lot” (1986) In the wake of news that