Hi all,
Wow, I’ve racked up reviews of over 100 films on this little blog site already!
I’ve been fortunate enough to find a lot of great films to watch on free-to-air and digital TV and on DVD! Not all of them have been classic, unmissable films and frankly some of them I watched because I’d heard so much about how good or worthy they were, only to find their reputation as worthy films were blown out beyond over-hype.
Thanks again to everyone who took the time to comment on my reviews. Due to work and other commitments, I can’t reply to you all but I appreciate all your remarks and criticisms. Don’t be afraid to say if a review is inaccurate or misses the point of the film – as long as the criticism is constructive, then good or bad, it’s welcome here. Writing reviews is always a learning experience and the more I know, the better the reviews will be!
By now, most of you have a fair idea of what I like to see. I’d like to get hold of more experimental and abstract films to watch as well as the movies that straddle the mainstream and the art-house. I missed seeing “Taxidermia” on TV some weeks ago and I’m trying to get a DVD copies of Sergei Paradjanov’s “The Color of Pomegranates” and Shinya Tsukamoto’s “Tetsuo: the Iron Man” to see again. Some Bunuel and Jodorowsky would be welcome too!
Thanks again,